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Brittle Nails

Restoring Strength to Brittle Nails

Healthy nails appear smooth, strong, and flexible. However, many women struggle with nails prone to peeling, cracking, or splitting. These brittle nails woes interfere with basic activities. Nails catch on clothing and break off at the slightest impact. Unsightly ragged edges ruin manicures instantly.

Brittle nails develop for numerous reasons. Sometimes internal factors like nutritional deficiencies or medications cause weakening. Other times, repeated external insults like vigorous handwashing or harsh chemicals gradually compromise nail integrity. Excess moisture exposure also contributes to increased brittleness.

No one wants fragile, papery nails prone to chips and breaks. Not only does this look unsightly, but the process feels uncomfortable too. Sensations range from dull aches to intense stinging as splits travel further down the nail bed. With the right attention and treatment, even severely brittle nails regain strength and shine.

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Understanding Brittle Nail Causes

To properly address brittle nails, one must first identify the root cause. This allows effective treatment and prevention measures to take place. Brittle nails may signal an underlying internal health issue or occur due to external factors.

Common medical causes include nutrient deficiencies in iron, vitamin C, biotin, or protein. Hormonal fluctuations and thyroid conditions also impact nail health. Medications like cancer treatments may weaken nails as a side effect. Poor circulation restricts nutrient supply to the nail matrix.

On an external level, brittle nails frequently stem from over-exposure to water, harsh soaps, and chemicals. Excessive handwashing, swimming, and dish duties all disrupt the nail’s oil balance. This causes the fibrous keratin structure to dry out and crack.

Improper manicure habits accelerate brittleness too. Using metal tools to clean under nails may inadvertently cause splits. Frequent gel polish removal using acetone dissolves nails’ protective oils. Even nervous habits like nail-biting or aggressive pushing back of cuticles leaves nails ragged.

Age serves as another major nail brittleness contributor. As people grow older, nails grow slower and thinner. They become dried out and prone to ridges, cracks, and splits. Cold temperatures also increase brittleness in this vulnerable aging nail structure.

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Tackling Brittleness from the Inside Out

Addressing brittle nails often requires a multi-pronged internal and external approach. First, doctors or dermatologists may conduct tests to rule out any underlying medical causes like thyroid disease or circulation issues. Blood work determines vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

With a confirmed nutritional deficit, supplementation frequently brings improvements. Biotin proves especially effective at strengthening weak nails over time. Protein intake gets boosted to allow adequate nail growth and renewal. Overall balanced nutrition with antioxidants helps too.

For severe cases, doctors may prescribe specialized nail treatments or medications. Products like Genadur or Nuvail contain active keratin-enriching ingredients to harden nails. Cosmetic treatments and nail polishes infused with nutrients also offer defenses against brittleness.

Beyond supplementation, lifestyle adjustments often prove necessary. Quitting habits like nail-biting or picking prevents mechanical nail trauma. Using moisturizers and gloves protects hands whenever immersing them in water or chemicals. Less frequent, gentler manicures allow nails a chance to recover strength.

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Heavy-Duty Brittle Nail Care Regimens

Along with interior reinforcement, brittle nails require intense exterior care and conditioning measures. The nail plate grows from the protective nail matrix located under the skin. Pampered cuticles ensure an unobstructed supply of moisture, oils, and nutrients.

Regular cuticle conditioning treatments like oils or moisturizers prevent painful hangnails or tears. These provide a protective seal to lock in moisture. Bruised, ragged cuticles disrupt and dry out the delicate nail matrix underneath. This causes further brittleness and cracking.

Once cuticles appear tamed, brittleness-fighting products target the nail itself. Hardeners and ridge-fillers lay a fortifying gel base down on weak nails. These gradually fill in and reinforce the splintered keratin ridges for a smoother surface.

Nail treatments brimming with hydrolyzed proteins, vitamins, and botanicals like shea butter infuse serious nourishment. After removing every trace of polish or product buildup, nails essentially undergo intense steeping in restorative ingredients. This repairs damaged nail structure from within.

Consistent, conscientious protection proves paramount too. Waterproof gloves whenever immersing hands safeguards nails from environmental assaults. Broad-spectrum sunscreen prevents UV rays from drying out and yellowing nails. A clear strengthening polish may provide daily defense against everyday incidental chips and peels.

Over time, with proper nutrition and nail conditioning, even the most brittle, peeling nails return to a strong, flexible state. Patience proves key, as visible results take 4-6 months to develop as new nails grow out from the nail matrix.

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Treating Nails to Professional Salon Services

Sometimes at-home measures fail to rehabilitate nails prone to extreme brittleness. In these cases, salon professionals employ heavy-duty treatments and techniques to fortify nails from the inside out. The goal centers on creating a strong foundation for nail renewal.

Keratin-based systems like Keratin Express revolutionize brittle, damaged nails. This chemical treatment removes the uppermost damaged nail layers through specialized peeling techniques. Then nails receive concentrated keratin injections and growth serums to regenerate dramatically smoother, stronger nails.

Other salon nail repair systems use synthetically bonded flexible gels or acrylics to build a protective nail shell. These layers conceal imperfections underneath while preserving natural nail flexibility. Meanwhile, sustained conditioning treatments seep down through permeable layers to repair the underlying brittle nail bed.

For the ultimate rehabilitation splurge, customized nail tips and acrylics provide a fresh blank canvas over problematic nails. Using silk wraps, technicians apply a new strong keratin layer before sculpting perfect nail extensions. The existing nail finally receives a respite to recover strength.

Combined with portable conditioning treatments, professional salon nail repair unlocks long-term solutions for persistent brittleness issues. With a reinforced new nail foundation in place, proper at-home maintenance protects against future cracking and splitting.

In Summary

Strong, smooth nails prove important for daily life – not just cosmetic appeal. Brittleness leads to painful cracking, splitting, and dryness that interferes with regular activities. Both internal and external factors wreak havoc on nail structure.

The key involves diagnosing the root issue behind brittleness, then implementing targeted regimens. Boosting nutrition and allowing nails a break from chemical exposure strengthens from within. Regular moisturizing and specialized strengthening products harden the exterior.

With commitment to fortifying nail care, weak brittle nails regain their flexibility and shine. Severe damage cases may require professional salon repair systems to fully restore the nail structure. But taking proactive measures prevents minor brittleness from progressing into larger issues. Smoother, stronger nails withstand daily rigors once again.

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